All posts by Luigi Galimberti

Il Brasile moderno e contemporaneo: Testi liberi e gratuiti

I seguenti testi, che trattano in parte anche dei protagonisti dell’attuale Padiglione del Brasile alla 56° Biennale di Venezia, sono stati condivisi da Massimo Mazzone (Escuela Moderna/Ateneo Libertario – che ha partecipato alla discussione “Brecha Democrática”, organizzata in collaborazione con European Alternatives, Universidade Nômade e la Fundação Bienal de São Paulo, presso il S.a.L.E Docks a Venezia, 11 ottobre 2015.

Edifici concettuali e architetture: i modelli di rappresentazione della città immaginaria e della città reale

Arte Architettura Territorio vol. 1: Una raccolta di scritti di Vito Acconci, Vito Bucciarelli, Francesco Cellini, Vanni Codeluppi, Antonella Conte ecc.

Arte Architettura Territorio vol. 2 : Nicoletta Braga. Attualità nel corpo della performance. Una riflessione su corpo, natura e spazio urbano

[Cover photo taken at the Brazilian Pavilion at the 56th Venice Biennale by Barbara Szaniecki; artwork by Antonio Manuel]

Brecha Democrática – Venice, 10-11 October 2015

A series of events taking place at the Brazilian Pavilion at the Venice Biennale, S.a.L.E Docks and Biblioteca di Marghera on 10-11 October 2015 – Organised by Transnational Dialogues, European Alternatives, Universidade Nômade and the Fundação Bienal de São Paulo

The following text is also available in Portuguese and Italian:
A brecha democrática - Venice Biennale_PT
A brecha democrática - Venice Biennale_IT

IT IS SO MUCH THAT IT DOES NOT FIT IN HERE: That is the sentence written in one of a multitude of posters that were occupying the streets during the mass protests of June 2013 in Brazil. The Brazilian insurgence, the Spanish 15-M and the resistances in the margins of Europe and the world do not fit in an exhibition, but the Brazilian Pavilion at the Venice Biennale has opened itself to the multitudes and has allowed the power of these multitudes to break through it. Continue reading Brecha Democrática – Venice, 10-11 October 2015

Open Doors Discussion – Berlin, 27 September 2015

Transnational Dialogues’ European residency starts in Berlin this September (22-28/09), before continuing to Belgrade for the TRANSEUROPA Festival (1-5/10) and ending with a two-day event in Venice (10-11/10, details online soon). Artist, entrepreneurs, architects, researchers, designers, cultural managers and various individuals that live and work across Brazil, China and Europe will create a temporary space for exchange that reflects the programme’s transnational character (see profiles here and here).

You are welcome to join our first discussion and help us in shaping the future of Transnational Dialogues. Following last year successful event (see cover photo), we will go back to Kreuzberg Pavillon, one of Berlin best-known avantgarde venues for artistic exchange. Meet us there for a late coffee or an early drink from 5pm until 10pm on Sunday 27 September (registration is not necessary; feel free to pop up anytime). Transnational Dialogues is an open doors programme and we are always looking forward to new artistic and intellectual collaborations. Continue reading Open Doors Discussion – Berlin, 27 September 2015

TD Journal 2014 Gets Shortlisted

The Transnational Dialogues Journal 2014 has been shortlisted for the 11ª Bienal Brasileira de Design Gráfico, which will take place next month in Rio de Janeiro. Parabéns to its fantastic designers, Gabriela Castro and Julia Masagão!

If you have not had the chance to get a hard copy of the journal, you can still access it online in PDF and ISSUU format.

Talk Urban Design and Artistic Interventions – London, 18 June 2015

Phenomena of social exclusion and marginality manifest themselves more and more in how the urban environment is built and regulated. This long tradition of architecturally engineered segregation, from the Venetian ghettos to Rio de Janeiro’s favelas, is well alive and has been growing around the world according to the particularities of the local context, albeit having its unmistakable matrix in the flows of global capital. However, clusters of resistance to the model of the alienating global city are widespread. These groups of resistance elaborate models and produce tools for taking back the city to its inhabitants and reclaiming its ownership. Continue reading Talk Urban Design and Artistic Interventions – London, 18 June 2015

Hack (y)our Borders Workshop – London, 13-14 June 2015

Want to discover how people experience & break down invisible borders across Europe? // Want to come up with ideas with people from across Europe, China and Brazil for how to bring communities together from different walks of life? // Want to learn how to make urban furniture that can be used and repurposed for people to use in exciting ways, in public spaces?

Report now available online. Project's diary constantly updated on ECF Lab "Public Space Makers".

Continue reading Hack (y)our Borders Workshop – London, 13-14 June 2015

Call for Applications: Video-making


In 2015 and 2016, Transnational Dialogues will specifically research about the topic of marginality, seen from the duplex perspective of those who find themselves in and struggle to come out of it, and those who expressly look for it in order to escape from an unsatisfying mainstream condition of which they do not share the values. Among the different outputs, we intend to produce a video that reflects on the proposed theme.

Continue reading Call for Applications: Video-making

Call for Applications: Researching on Marginality

In 2015 and 2016, Transnational Dialogues will specifically research about the topic of marginality, seen from the duplex perspective of those who find themselves in and struggle to come out of it, and those who expressly look for it in order to escape from an unsatisfying mainstream condition of which they do not share the values. Among the different outputs, one of the more relevant is going to be a publication in English (with subsequent translations in Chinese and Portuguese), consisting of a comparative study of theories, practices and policies around marginality in the artistic and cultural fields across the three regions.

Continue reading Call for Applications: Researching on Marginality

A Few Thoughts on Aesthetics and Politics

In the occasion of the opening of the 56th Art Biennale in Venice, we present you once more an article by the curator of the Brazilian Pavilion, Luiz Camillo Osorio. The full article can be accessed in the Transnational Dialogues Journal 2014 (pp. 11-15, PORTUGUESE, CHINESE and ENGLISH).

To what extent can art continue to be art and simultaneously be politics? To what extent can the political intervention simultaneously be politics and point towards a heterogeneous sensible proper to art making? How to talk about this political pretension of arts or the artistic reverberation of politics, now that both artistic and political institutions are in crisis?

Em que medida a arte pode ser arte e ser ao mesmo tempo política? Em que medida a intervenção política, pode ser política e ao mesmo tempo sinalizar para um sensível heterogêneo próprio ao fazer artístico? Como falar desta pretensão política da arte ou da reverberação artística da política hoje quando as instituições artísticas e políticas estão em crise?


Luiz Camillo Osorio is Professor in the Philosophy Department of PUC-Rio and Curator of the Museum of Modern Art of Rio de Janeiro (MAM-Rio).

[Cover photo: “Vandalismo Poetico”, found in the streets of Flamengo, Rio de Janeiro, March 2015]

Exploit or How to Overturn the World with Art

Two articles originating from past activities and current researches of Transnational Dialogues have been featured in the most recent publication “Exploit. Come rovesciare il mondo ad arte. D-istruzioni per l’uso”. The book originates from the experience of MAAM – Metropoliz, an impromptu museum located in the outskirts of Rome, which has been founded by anthropologist Giorgio De Finis, one of the book’s editors. Among the many contributors are Hans Ulrich Obrist, Chantal Mouffe, David Graeber, Dora Garcia, Cesare Pietroiusti, Annie Cohen-Solal and Lorenzo Romito. Continue reading Exploit or How to Overturn the World with Art