2015-2016 / Modules

During the activities that are taking place across Europe, China and Brazil, the Fellows will join specific research Modules. The first module is “Marginalia”, through which the overarching theme of this third edition of Transnational Dialogues (marginality) will be specifically addressed, primarily revolving around the production of a publication in English (with subsequent editions in Chinese and Portuguese), consisting of a comparative study of theories, artistic and social practices and cultural and public policies around marginality across the three regions. The second module, “Between Crowds and Empires” intends to research on alternative economies, examining its polarities and taking into account different perspectives, geographic regions and imaginaries from China, Brazil and Europe, “Hack (y)our Borders” focuses on fostering people’s capabilities of re-shaping borders and redrawing the social and cultural maps of how they live in cities in order to fight against marginalization in the public space.

“Global Reach: Transnational Dialogues for Youth across Brazil China Europe” is a project by European Alternatives, Organhaus (Chongqing), Casa da Cultura Digital (São Paulo), Zajia Lab (Beijing),  Artoholics e.V. (Berlin), MAM Rio de JaneiroIBISS (Rio de Janeiro), the Secretary of Culture of the City of São Paulo and others, with the support of the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union.