Two articles originating from past activities and current researches of Transnational Dialogues have been featured in the most recent publication “Exploit. Come rovesciare il mondo ad arte. D-istruzioni per l’uso”. The book originates from the experience of MAAM – Metropoliz, an impromptu museum located in the outskirts of Rome, which has been founded by anthropologist Giorgio De Finis, one of the book’s editors. Among the many contributors are Hans Ulrich Obrist, Chantal Mouffe, David Graeber, Dora Garcia, Cesare Pietroiusti, Annie Cohen-Solal and Lorenzo Romito.
The first contribution by Transnational Dialogues is an article about São Paulo’s Vila Itororó, written by Luigi Galimberti and Lorenzo Marsili, which reflects about the discourse around the (cultural) commons from Brazil to Italy.

The second contribution is by Rachel Marsden, who writes about the visual aesthetics of the Hong Kong’s protest of Fall 2014, with multiple references to works of artists, designers, illustrators and photographers in both Hong Kong and mainland China. An English version of the article was published in the Transnational Dialogues Journal 2014 and is available here.

Exploit. Come rovesciare il mondo ad arte. D-istruzioni per l’uso
Edited by Giorgio De Finis, Fabio Benincasa and Andrea Facchi
Bordeaux Editore, Rome, 2015, pp. 1104 (Italian only)
ISBN 978-88-97236-63-4