Across 2015 and 2016, Transnational Dialogues has been developing a research on the shifting role of “marginals” as motors of social and cultural change – looking at perspectives from China, Brazil and Europe. The Brazilian designer Andrés Sandoval created a series of 32 stamps called “Periferia” (i.e., periphery), which represents elements, which he associates with the marginal areas of São Paulo, such as crowds, rain, floods, tear gas, drones or militar police. Continue reading ‘Periferia’: The Game
All posts by Luigi Galimberti
Between Crowds and Empires – THE WEBSITE
Between Crowds and Empires is a multimedia online publication on the collaborative economy.
TD Journal 2016
The Journal mirrors the two principal thematic approaches of Transnational Dialogues for the year 2015-16. The first section, ‘Between Crowds and Empires’, examines the polarities of collaborative and sharing economies, taking into account the different cultural perspectives from Europe, China and Brazil. The second section, ‘Marginalia’, deals with the inequalities and racialisation of geopolitics, as well as with the practices of those groups and individuals that are seeking niches beyond traditional social structures.
Between Crowds and Empires | Beijing
The sharing economy has enjoyed remarkably rapid growth over the last five years and looks set to scale new heights over the next decade. Some projections put the sector’s revenues at $335 billion globally by 2025, and the scope for further widening its geographic reach remains huge. The core of the sharing economy is the distribution of unused resources. Continue reading Between Crowds and Empires | Beijing
Voices from Brazil: Making art in troubled times
During its last Residency, Transnational Dialogues recorded the voices of Brazilian artists and political activists. They answer about the role of the margins in the formation of artistic and political practices. This unmediated commentary originates in the current political turbulence that is affecting Brazil, as well as other countries throughout Latin America. Continue reading Voices from Brazil: Making art in troubled times
Call for Proposals: Brazil-UK
Transnational Dialogues is now considering proposals from candidates from Brazil that intend to carry out a research period or to realise a project in the UK. THE CALL IS NOW CLOSED Continue reading Call for Proposals: Brazil-UK
China-UK Street Art Link
With the support of Transnational Dialogues, curators Rachel Marsden and Andy Cooke have organised RareKind China, a showcase of the diverse visual identities of graffiti and street artists from China and the UK, who were invited to create original work that responds the international context of street art and to the 30-year history of the Centre for Chinese Contemporary Art (CFCCA). Continue reading China-UK Street Art Link
Talk Real | Marginalia
In the midst of the current Brazilian political crisis, we ask how the margins can acquire a new centrality in crafting future alternatives in a moment where existing economic and democratic models seem to be failing us. This latest episode of Talk Real saw the participation of Giuseppe Cocco (political scientist, Rio de Janeiro), Clara Ianni (researcher and artist, São Paulo), Isabela do Lago (artist, Belém) and Jota Mombaça (performer and researcher, Natal). Continue reading Talk Real | Marginalia
“Além de Nós” in Pictures
“Além de Nós” workshop at Vila Itororó Canteiro Aberto e Espacio 945, São Paulo, 10-12 March 2016. Photos by Timo Kreitz. Continue reading “Além de Nós” in Pictures
Residência Nomádica Brasil
Entre os anos de 2015 e 2016 o programa Residência Nomádica foi ganhando forma dentro do Transnational Dialogues, e vem sendo realizado na Europa, Brasil e China. Cada residência é caracterizada por um período de investigação acompanhada por atividades artísticas e encontros organizados em parceria com organizações locais. As residências tornaram-se, neste sentido, um “espaço /transnacional temporário de cultura” aberto para a cidade, onde o trabalho de produção e pesquisa é acompanhado por um profundo envolvimento entre a comunidade local e abordagens colaborativas e de co-produção. Continue reading Residência Nomádica Brasil
Workshop “Além de Nós” – São Paulo, 10-12 March 2016
Reflexões sobre o fenômeno da colaboração e seu surgimento como um modelo promissor de inovação econômica e social de atores sociais da China, Brasil e Europa… Continue reading Workshop “Além de Nós” – São Paulo, 10-12 March 2016
Talk Real “Marginalia” – São Paulo, 17 March 2016
Talk Real é uma plataforma audiovisual para a divulgação de ideias inovadoras e seus agentes, podendo ser organizações ou indivíduos, a iniciativa é da ONG European Alternatives e teve início em 2015. Realizado pela primeira vez em São Paulo em formato inédito por ser aberto à participação do público, e debruçando-se sobre o tema Marginalia esta edição do Talk Real terá lugar no espaço do Outras Palavras no dia 17 de março a partir das 18:45 horas. O time de palestrantes é composto por: Continue reading Talk Real “Marginalia” – São Paulo, 17 March 2016