TD Journal 2016

The Journal mirrors the two principal thematic approaches of Transnational Dialogues for the year 2015-16. The first section, ‘Between Crowds and Empires’, examines the polarities of collaborative and sharing economies, taking into account the different cultural perspectives from Europe, China and Brazil. The second section, ‘Marginalia’, deals with the inequalities and racialisation of geopolitics, as well as with the practices of those groups and individuals that are seeking niches beyond traditional social structures.

Texts by Robin Resch, Pedro Victor Brandão, Felipe Duarte, Sun Siwei, Erik Rodrigues, Chen Yiming, Margherita D’Andrea and Corrado Gemini, Indy Johar, Julijana Nicha, Iva Čukić, Noel Hatch, Man Yu, Ge Fei and Ge Lei, Jota Mombaça and Luigi Galimberti.

Visual contributions by Berna Reale, Dai Hua and Tobias Zielony.

Edited by Luigi Galimberti.


Hard copies of the Journal are available for pick-up in Belém (Casulo Cultural), Beijing (Goethe-Institut China, I: project space), Berlin (European Alternatives), Belgrade (Remont Gallery), Chongqing (Organhaus), Manchester (CFCCA), Rio de Janeiro (Universidade Nomade), Rome (Alternative Europee), São Paulo (Goethe-Institut, Casa Tomada, Casa do Povo) and Venice (SaLE Docks).

[Journal Cover: ‘Cantando na chuva (Singin’ in the Rain)’ by Berna Reale (2014), detail. Courtesy of the artist]

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