Transnational Dialogues is now considering proposals from candidates from Brazil that intend to carry out a research period or to realise a project in the UK. THE CALL IS NOW CLOSED
The research or project proposal should be consistent with one of the following themes: 1. “Between Crowds and Empires”, a research on alternative economies, which examines its polarities and takes into account different perspectives, geographic regions and imaginaries; 2. “Marginalia”, which consists of a comparative study of theories, artistic and social practices and cultural and public policies around marginality; 3. “Hack Your Borders”, which focuses on fostering people’s capabilities of re-shaping borders and redrawing the social and cultural maps of how they live in cities in order to fight against marginalization in the public space. However, we will also consider proposals that go beyond the scope of those three themes, as long as they are critical and innovative. Proposals that foresee to release their output (or a significant part of it) under a Creative Commons License or copyleft will be favoured.
Transnational Dialogues will offer a travel scholarship, covering 100% of the costs of an international return flight from Brazil to the UK, visa and insurance to two participants. The participants could come from two different proposals or from a joint proposal. Each participant will be responsible for his or her accommodation, food and other expenses. Transnational Dialogues will also offer invitation and recommendation letters and will give full access to its extended network of partners throughout the UK and beyond.
The candidates can come from a wide array of backgrounds, including visual and performing arts, cultural management, architecture, design, entrepreneurship, policy-making, political activism or youth organisations. The candidates should be resident in Brazil and preference will be given to those with Brazilian nationality. The scholarship requires the presence in London or in other locations in the UK with a length of stay of between two and four weeks, and should be concluded before the end of August 2016. A working knowledge of English is usually required.
Please send an up-to-date CV or portfolio and a short project proposal (max 600 words) to on which kind of production you would like to realize in the UK with the support of Transnational Dialogues. We expect to receive and we welcome proposals from a most diverse range of fields: academic research, community projects, network building, innovative entrepreneurship, artistic production, video-making etc. We are now accepting applications on a rolling basis until the two places are filled and in any case no later than Tuesday 31 May 2016.
We advise to apply as soon as possible. Should you need any additional information, do not hesitate to get in touch with the email address provided above. For any communication, please use the subject line: “TD3 Open Call – Brazil-UK 2016”. Please, apply only if strongly motivated.

This open call is part of the new programme of Transnational Dialogues for the year 2015 and 2016. All our calls can be found here. Our calls are open to all.
Last update: 18/05/2016
[Cover image: Drawings by Yayoek Elin]