A special thanks goes to all the participants in the activities of Transnational Dialogues in 2014. It is their enthusiasm, knowledge, vitality and critical spirit that made possible such an extended and intense exchange of information, skills and networking. A precarious list of those involved in this year activities reads as follows: Alexander Pettersson, Ana Hupe, André Leal, Anna Arutyunova, Bel Falleiros, Chiara Tinonin, Chico Daviña, Christopher Daniels, Colectivo Opavivará!, David Limaverde, Emilija Skarnulyte, Fernanda Carvalho, Hanna Husberg, Irina Pienaru, Isabella Guedes, Jay Lai, Julia Masagão, Laura Engelhardt, Laura Sobral, Li Li, Liu Minyi, Lucie Blanche, Malu Andrade, Marc de Maisonneuve, Marina Trancoso, Martin Collins, Matilde Malaspina, Matti Aikio, Mi You, Nina Gschlößl, Nuno Cassola, Pauline Doutreluingne, Rachel Marsden, Rachela Abbate, Raphael Couto, Raphael Franco, Seila Fernández Arconada, Solveig Suess, Sylvana Jahre, Tianji Zhao, Vanessa Rosa, Vicente Pereira, Wang Dong, Wang Xiaozhou, Wellington Dias, Yan Shuo, Yane Conradi and Zandie Brockett.
Our deepest gratitude goes to Transnational Dialogues’ local coordinators in Brazil, China and Europe, who have given essential inputs in developing and implementing the programme during the Caravans: Alessandro Rolandi in Beijing, Andressa Vianna in Sao Paulo, Chen Yizhong in Chongqing, Petra Pölzl in Berlin and Tahian Bhering in Rio de Janeiro. A big thank you also to Julia Masagão who has been coordinating the overall design of Transnational Dialogues in 2014, to artist Veikko Törmänen who has kindly granted us the permission to use one of his drawings as the basis for our 2014 logo and to Andrea Montuori for his web-designing skills.
Finally, we would like to thank our network of friends who have been giving us their time, energy and support across the world: Alessandro Vitali (Kreuzberg Pavillon, Berlin), Ambra Corinti and Rong Guang Rong (Zajia Lab, Beijing), Amy Cheng (1314, Chengdu), André Komatsu (São Paulo), Barbara Szaniecki and Beppe Cocco (Rio de Janeiro), Berardo Carboni (Teatro Valle Occupato, Rome), Cai Hui (Observation Society, Guangzhou), Carla Chaim e Laura Gorski (Jardim do Hermes, São Paulo), Carlos and João Vergara (Ateliê Carlos Vergara, Rio de Janeiro), Chen Chen (Flicking Forehead!, Beijing), Chen Qiang (Chengdu), Chen Xuejian, Zhao Mi and Fan Xue (China Art Treasury, Chengdu), Chiara Cartuccia (SAVVY Contemporary, Berlin), Claudia Afonso (Centro Cultural São Paulo), Corrado Gemini and Mateo Çili (M^C^O, Milan), Cruz and Nathalie Frankowsky (Intelligentsia Gallery, Beijing), Daniel Murgel (Rio de Janeiro), Daniel Rubim (Latitudebrasil.org, São Paulo), Deng Dafei (Beijing) and Lijuan Independent Art School, Dong Xun, Yu Guo, Liao Wenchao and Liu Weiwei (Artists, Chongqing), Dong Yifei (Art+Gallery, Chengdu), Didier Schulmann, Mica Gherghescu and all the participants in the Summer University 2014 at Bibliothèque Kandinsky (Centre Pompidou, Paris), Espaço Aurora (São Paulo), Fabia Schnoor and Valerio Ricci Montani (São Paulo), Fabrício Cavalcanti (Rio de Janeiro), Feng Hao and Li Qing (Miji lab, Beijing), Francesco Petrucci (Gagliano del Capo), Gabriela Maciel (TAL , Rio de Janeiro), HeiQiao artists’ community (Beijing), Hou Hanru, Irene de Vico Falliani, Giulia Ferracci and many others (MAXXI, Rome), Hu Fang (Vitamin Creative Space, Guangzhou), IO WA artists’ community of Caochangdi (Beijing), Jaakko Mattila (Helsinki), Juca Ferreira, João Brant and Paulo Menechelli Filho (City of São Paulo), Lao Gan (Caoba Commune, Beijing), Li Jie (A4 Contemporary Art Center, Chengdu), Li Kun and Mao Zhu (Chengdu), Ligia Nobre (São Paulo), Lin Jing Jing (Beijing), Liu Bolin (Beijing), Lorenzo Romito (Stalker, Rome), Luca Forcucci (Berlin), Luiz Camillo Osorio and Marta Mestre (MAM – Museu de Arte Moderna, Rio de Janeiro), Luiz Guillherme Vergara (MAC de Niteroi), Ma Yongfeng (Beijing), Manuel (Cooperativa Unidos do Alemão), MAR – Museu de Arte do Rio, Márcio Botner, Ernesto Neto and Laura Lima (A Gentil Carioca, Rio de Janeiro), Marcos Gallon (Galeria Vermelho, São Paulo), Maria Monteiro (Casa Juisi Phosphorus, São Paulo), Mariana Lorenzi and Benjamin Seroussi (Casa do Povo, São Paulo), Max Gerthel (Institute for Provocation, Beijing), Megumi Shimizu (Beijing), MOCA (Chengdu), Monica Melani (Mitreo-Iside del Corviale, Rome), Nanko van Buuren (IBISS , Rio de Janeiro), Pedro Rivera (Studio-X, Rio de Janeiro), Qian Long (Action Space, Beijing), Qiaochu Ze (Beijing), Rain (L-Art Gallery, Chengdu), Ren Han (Tianjin), Renata Pereira Figueiró (SESC Pompeia, São Paulo), Roberto Ceresia and Adrian Wang (Aike-Dellarco, Shanghai), Ronald Duarte (Rio de Janeiro), Serge Onnen and Esther Kokmeijer (Institute for Provocation, Beijing), Stella Tang (London), Sasha Hu (Beijing), Sue, Sarah and Olivier (Video Bureau, Guangzhou), Sun Shaokun, Qiao Xingyue, Li Jie, He Chengyao (IOWA, Beijing), Susana Queiroga (Rio de Janeiro), Tania Alice (Rio de Janeiro), Taru Elfving (FRAME, Helsinki), Tatiana Richard (Rio de Janeiro), Tej Tadi (Lausanne), Thais Rivitti (Ateliê 397, São Paulo), Ty Wang (Guangzhou), Video Bureau (Beijing), Vivian Caccuri (São Paulo), Wang Haichuan (Chongqing), Weijing Zhu (The World of Chinese, Beijing), Wellington Dias and Sarah Marques (Casa Giramundo, Rio de Janeiro), Xinran Guo (Chicago), Xu Lang (Chengdu), Yang Shu, Ni Kun, Li Li and Dao Dao (Organhaus, Chongqing), Yaowei (Heiqiao, Beijing), Yu Bugong (Beijing), and many others to whom we say a silent thank you.
[Cover photo: Workshop at Casa Gira Mundo, Rio de Janeiro, February 2014]